Can you die from comodo dragon bite
Can you die from comodo dragon bite

can you die from comodo dragon bite can you die from comodo dragon bite

Now that at least one study has concluded that there's venom suspended in Komodo saliva, some believe this venom, and not a powerful bacterial cocktail, is what makes Komodos so reliably lethal. The researchers started looking specifically for venom in Komodos because they believed it was unlikely a bacterial infection could kill an animal in as little as a day or two. Venom is a toxin that's secreted by special glands and injected into an animal by a bite or sting. In 2005, scientists concluded that komodo dragons (actually all monitor lizards, as well as iguanas) produce venom, not just a deadly supply of bacteria. But recent research suggests there may be another possibility as well. With that much deadly bacteria entering the bloodstream through a bite, bacterial infection and death are guaranteed. A Komodo dragon's saliva can contain anywhere from 50 to 80 different bacteria. Until recently, scientists were sure that it was a Komodo dragon's oral bacteria that killed the prey within days after an attack. Why, exactly, an animal dies after the fact is a subject of some debate.

Can you die from comodo dragon bite